A FORMER midwife who swapped delivery babies for creating her own bespoke dressmaking business is one of the latest students to graduate from The Northern School of Art.

Tina Allenby signed up for her degree course after success in other fields.

Now the 55-year-old, from Middleton St George, passed with flying colours in her degree in Costume Interpretation with Design.

“I was vegetating and needed something for me after my children were older and sorted out with their studies,” she said. “I saw the course at The Northern School of Art and went along to the Green Lane campus with some of my work as I didn’t have a portfolio but they referred me on to the degree course at Hartlepool. Now I don’t want to leave.”

Tina, who graduated with a First Class Honours degree, was the winner of the School’s 2019 Costume award.

“When I heard I’d won I was trying not to cry. Everyone else on the course is so talented. It made me realise that people do appreciate what I’ve done.”

Just before she graduated, Tina was appointed at the Head of Costume for Northumberland Touring Theatre Company.

“I’m delighted,” she added. “I think more mature people should go back to study. We have life skills and plenty of grey matter. If you’re passionate about something I would say don’t be afraid, go for it. You always find ways of juggling things.”

A total of 126 of the School’s students received awards that are validated by the Arts University Bournemouth and four students received Higher National Diploma awards.

The Northern School of Art’s Principal, Martin Raby, praised the students' efforts.

He said: “Today is a very happy one, a day for our new graduates and their loved ones and one which celebrates their wonderful achievements whilst studying with us. Many of these graduates have already secured employment in the creative sector or are moving on the post-graduate courses, continuing our outstanding record for graduate employability."