A GIRL who wanted to do something for others has had her hair cut off to donate to charity.

Chloe Simpson has spent the last two years growing her hair with the intention of donating it to the Little Princess Trust - a charity which uses donated hair to create medical wigs.

The ten-year-old, from Darlington, decided to donate her hair after seeing a video on Youtube about a child with alopecia.

Her mother, Jane Thompson, said: “One day she came and said she wanted to donate her hair for those people with cancer or other illnesses.

“She just saw this video and that was what she said she wanted to do."

Last week, Chloe and her mother visited Changes hair salon, in Cockerton, where hair stylist Marie Naisbitt finally cut the hair.

Chloe also managed to raise £383 through a gofundme online page, beating her initial goal of £100, as a gesture for the charity.

Mrs Thompson added: “She loves it and we're all really proud of her. She’s said she is going to grow it again and she wants to get it cut every couple of years.

"We would like to say thank you to everybody who donated and to the stylists at Changes who were very welcoming. It is all very much appreciated."