A GROUP of seven people, aged as young as 17, attacked a team of police officers in a supermarket car park.

Police were called to a minor incident in Darlington town centre last Saturday night.

They asked the group, which included three males and four females, to move on.

But they were later called out to Sainsbury's supermarket, in Victoria Road.

When police asked the group again to move away from the supermarket, one of the males became abusive.

They threatened the police officers and one was struck in the eye.

PC Graeme Hopkirk, from Darlington police, said: "There had been a minor incident in the town centre. There were no offences, but police officers went out.

"As soon as the officers spoke to them at Sainsbury's, they became abusive."

The incident happened at about 9.50pm.

Members of staff have been interviewed, and police are appealing for witnesses to come forward.

They can contact PC Hopkirk, on 0845-60-60-365.

* Seven people, aged between 17 and 45, were arrested on allegations of affray.