MP ALAN Milburn is "sick to the back teeth" with Lidl after the supermarket ignored complaints about anti-social behaviour and late-night deliveries.

Neighbours of the Yarm Road store claim deliveries can run from 6am to 9pm - despite regulations permitting deliveries between 8am and 6pm only.

Residents, many elderly, also say Lidl has failed to install promised anti-social behaviour measures.

The car park - which is lit until 10pm despite the store closing at 8pm - is a trouble hot-spot.

Darlington borough councillor Ian Haszeldine was even told the light could not be switched off early without a key being sent from Germany.

Senior Lidl managers have promised meetings with Mr Milburn MP, Coun Haszeldine, and residents - but have cancelled each one.

Mr Milburn is now writing to Lidl's chief executive demanding action.

"There has been at least one letter, possibly two, saying meetings will happen - but they haven't," said Mr Milburn.

"It's ridiculous - it's not a hard thing to do.

"I will write to the chief executive and remind him the store is part of the community, it has responsibilities, and it is failing to discharge them.

"We have had a series of false promises and I am sick to the back teeth of it."

Karen Wright, scheme manager of Phoenix Court, nearby old-people's accommodation, said youngsters using Lidl's car park were intimidating residents.

"There can be as many as 15 or 20 youngsters hanging round there," she said. "They have climbed over the fence and thrown plants. They have banged on residents' windows.

"One resident has asked to be moved into another room and some now won't sit in the garden."

When Lidl opened in February last year, bosses said the store would solve the area's anti-social behaviour problem.

But Coun Haszeldine said promised deterrents had not been installed. "Lidl made all the promises in the world," he said.

"They promised 24-hour cameras, Tannoys to warn off troublemakers, lights off at dusk, security guards.

"The only promise they have kept is keeping the area clean."

Lidl was unavailable for comment last night.