A BOY took a car that belonged to his friend's grandmother without consent then crashed it, a court heard yesterday.

The car had major damage to the front and nearside, but the 17-year-old, from Darlington, was unhurt. Three other vehicles were also damaged in the crash.

Darlington Youth Court heard the boy's friend had borrowed his grandmother's car and driven to a house where the defendant was.

The keys were left in a room with the defendant and a girl. Later, the male who had borrowed the car saw it being driven up the street.

He sprinted up the street, but, by the time he reached the defendant, the crash had happened.

The defendant, who had been drinking, fled the scene before police arrived.

The crash happened on Wednesday, August 1.

Robert Mochrie, mitigating, said his client handed himself in to police the following day and was arrested at the station.

"It was a moment of stupidity, and, furthermore, a moment of stupidity that occurred while in drink," Mr Mochrie said. "He is thoroughly ashamed of his actions."

Mr Mochrie said the crash had caused "tension" with his friend.

The boy is training to be an electrician and doing "very well", Mr Mochrie said.

The boy told the court: "It was stupid and out of character. I've never done it before in my life."

He was given a nine-month referral order, a 12-month driving ban, and made to pay £200 compensation and £43 costs.

He had previously pleaded guilty to aggravated vehicle taking, driving without due care and attention, failing to stop at an accident, failing to report an accident, driving without insurance, and driving without a licence.