SO the decision on the cycle track/footpath along the River Skerne has been made. I question the independence of a council which sits in judgement of its own proposals.

"Have your say" Darlington Borough Council tells us. This means we can write letters of objection to the council, which, in this case, is also the applicant. Our letters are read (possibly) by council staff in the development and environment department and some comments are included in their report, which goes before the planning committee.

The listening council then invites people to this meeting to have their say - but the reality is only one person may speak, on behalf of everyone objecting, and only for three minutes. If more than one person wishes to speak, they must share the time. That is a whole lot of listening.

The committee then debates and votes on the council's own proposal, which is passed, and that is it. No one from the public may speak during the debate, even when it is clear committee members have no knowledge of the area they are passing judgement on.

I wonder how many people know that as objectors we have no recourse to an appeal system?

Elaine Hunter, Great Burdon, Darlington.