AN ANNUAL festival bringing together more than 400 young performers will return for its 14th yearly dance event.

The Dolphin Centre is set to host the the annual Darlington School Games Primary Dance Festival for youngsters aged between five to 16 years old from 21 Darlington primary schools.

Guests from two secondary schools are also getting ready to take part the festival, performing a variety of creative dances around the theme the power of words.

Participants in the Darlington's festival have the opportunity to take part in dance workshops throughout the afternoon of the event before they perform their dance routine on the evening.

Nick Wallis, the Darlington Borough Council's cabinet member for leisure, local environment and transport, said: “We are proud to be hosting the School Games Primary Dance Festival at the Dolphin Centre.

"The festival has developed into a great annual event on the school calendar with a fantastic number of children taking part. It’s an event children, teachers and families look forward to.”

Fellow councillor, Andy Scott, cabinet member for health and partnerships, added: “The dance festival offers teachers, parents and guardians the opportunity to encourage children to get involved, move more and notch up some of their daily 60 active minutes.

"All children should be aiming to be active for at least an hour – whether it’s through walking, biking or scooting to school, playing or taking part in a sport or activity. It’s great to hear so many school children are taking part.”

Tickets are available direct from schools taking part.