A CABARET will showcase in song and dance the experiences of an actor and activist campaigning to protect the NHS.

Special Measures, described as “a night of stories and songs from the frontline of the NHS campaign”, will be performed in Darlington next month.

Steven Carne has drawn on his own life experiences to create the show, described as a collection of “anthems for accidental activists".

He became an activist after joining the Darlo Mums in their 999 Call for the NHS campaign, which saw them organise the 2014 People’s March, a 300-mile journey from Jarrow to London undertaken in protest over the privitisation of health care.

Mr Carne said: “No one in their right mind wakes up one morning and decides to be an NHS campaigner - it creeps up and takes you over. Once you begin to see what is going on in our healthcare service you can’t stop yourself.

“That’s what the show is about - my experience over the last four years working with some of the loveliest people, and fighting some of the worst.”

The show, hosted by Darlington Green Party, will be staged at The Forum on Thursday, April 12 from 7.30pm.

Tickets are £7 and can be booked by calling 01325 363135 or visiting theforumonline.co.uk.