TEENAGE pregnancy rates in Darlington have fallen by one per cent - one of the biggest decreases in the North-East.

Twenty years ago, the town had close to the highest number of pregnant under-18s in the UK.

The rate has dropped significantly - and data released by the Office of National Statistics show that there was a further one per cent fall on last year's figure.

Since 1998, the number of teen pregnancies has decreased from 64 per 1,000 to 47 per 1,000.

The region-wide rate stands at 50 pregnancies per 1,000 under-18s, compared to the national ratio of 40 per 1,000.

Darlington's Teenage Pregnancy Strategy is a partnership of community leaders which gives sex education. The committee has representatives from Darlington Borough Council, the NHS, Youth Service, Connexions, Housing Services, Children's Services and Healthy Schools.

"These figures are extremely encouraging and show that the strategy is working, but there's no room for complacency," said Councillor Chris McEwan, the council's cabinet member for children's services.

"We want to prevent unwanted pregnancies and give better support to young parents - it's all about raising aspirations and supporting young people so they can make informed choices."

The Darlington Teenage Pregnancy Strategy has developed local sex and relationship education services by working with town schools.

Young people can get free condoms, pregnancy testing and emergency contraception - available every day from pharmacies.

Donna Thorne, teenage pregnancy co-ordinator at Darlington Primary Care Trust, said: "Young people in Darlington are offered a comprehensive and co-ordinated sex and relationships education program.

"Local information is available on contraception and sexual health services - including a card scheme, free emergency hormonal contraception and chlamydia screening.

"They also have access to a dedicated young person's sexual health worker, a contraception service and holistic health service within Connexions.

"It is a holistic and co-ordinated approach and it is working well.