A CANNABIS user who grew marijuana plants worth £6,000 at his Darlington home has been spared prison.

Police discovered six plants, along with powerful hydroponics lamps and other growing equipment, when they raided Derek Lloyd Creighton's house, in the Skerne Park area, in March.

The 48-year-old had produced the plants for his own use, Darlington Magistrates' Court heard yesterday.

Jonathan Bambro, prosecuting, told the court that at the time of the raid, the three-to-four-month-old plants were a month from maturity.

Police said the haul was worth £6,000.

Creighton told police he had taught himself to grow the plants because he had an £80-a-day habit, the court heard.

Mr Bambro said Creighton had been convicted last June of growing nine cannabis plants but started growing them again months afterwards.

"Very clearly, Mr Creighton doesn't seem to have taken any notice of the last sentence he was given," said Mr Bambro.

Steven Andrews, mitigating, said the defendant had grown the plants purely for his own consumption. He said Creighton had turned to cannabis 11 years ago to help him cope with depression and loss after his 17-year-old son had died.

His 22-year marriage broke down because of the bereavement and Creighton again turned to cannabis to cope, said Mr Andrews.

"He was using more and more as a coping mechanism," said Mr Andrews.

He said Creighton wanted to stop using cannabis and had been getting help for his addiction.

"As a result of his arrest, he has taken stock and concluded that this, of course, cannot go on.

"If it does continue, there will come a time when a court's patience will run out," added Mr Andrews.

Creighton, of Hammond Road, Darlington, pleaded guilty to producing six cannabis plants.

He was given a 16-week suspended sentence and a 12-month community order.

Magistrates also ordered the destruction of the plants and equipment