PEOPLE living in listed buildings in Darlington are being warned they could be breaking the law if they carry out home improvements without consent.

In the last three months, officers from Darlington Borough Council have come across eight cases of listed buildings being fitted with plastic window frames.

Changes to a listed building, which affect its character, is likely to require listed building consent.

In each case, the owners were told they must replace the windows.

Making similar changes is a criminal offence and a listed building enforcement notice could be given, meaning work must be reversed.

The council can carry out the work and charge the homeowner if it is not done.

A council spokesman said: "People may claim the work was carried out by a previous owner, but it is still the present owner's responsibility and they will have to foot the bill for making sure the unauthorised work is put right.

"There are firms which can repair wooden frames and we would advise this, if possible, because it can be very expensive to get replacements made."

A register of listed buildings in Darlington is available at the town hall and the Crown Street library.

For advice on work to listed buildings, contact 01325-388604.