A TEENAGER will take part in a 200km Mongolian horseback trek for charity.

Fiona Ellwood, 19, a childcare student at Darlington College, hopes to raise £2,500 for the trip. The money will help fund projects for under-privileged children around the globe.

The Darlington Division (Stephenson) Guider will join 50 other Guiders from around the UK on the 12-day trip, which will involve camping, meeting tribesmen and visiting Girlguiding projects.

"As well as raising the money, I'm in training because it's going to be a hard, painful ride," said Miss Ellwood, of Darlington, who supports Rainbows, Brownies and Guides in Woodlands District.

"I have been riding for about ten years and have been camping - but never anything like this."

Fiona has received £500 towards the cost of the trip - the first recipient of the Horizon Trust fund set up at Darlington College by former language tutor Mavis Robson.

Darlington College's student activities manager, Diane Evans, also a guider, said: "I have taken up opportunities offered through Girlguiding and experienced living in Brazil and development work in Russia with Guides and it was the most unbelievable experience.

"I am really excited for her."