Corporation Road Baptist Tabernacle in Darlington is set to welcome a team of visitors from Sagemont Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, from April 21-29.

The visitors will be in the UK accompanying their senior pastor John D Morgan who will be speaking at the Northern Baptist Association Assembly being held at Stockton Tabernacle on 28th April.

Dr. Morgan has led Sagemont from sixteen members in 1966 to almost 16,000 in 2006.

During their stay in Darlington, the visitors will be helping the church develop its relationships with the local community.

They will be involved in a door-to-door visitation programme conducting research into the current needs of the community immediately surrounding the church building and informing people of the church's current activities.

The team will also be engaged in other activities including open air activities, special guest services and the new international drop in centre being started in the church on Thursday evenings.