A SCHOOL could be transformed into an academy years before its multi-million pound building is complete, it has emerged.

The sooner Eastbourne School, in Darlington, becomes an academy, the sooner it could benefit from thousands of pounds of help to boost attainment, a meeting was told.

Last summer, fewer than 20 per cent of pupils at the school left with the benchmark of five A* to C grades at GCSE - one of the worst attainment levels in the country.

Yesterday, Paul Campbell, of the council's children's services department, told a meeting of its lifelong learning scrutiny committee: "We are at least three years away from a new building and we are in discussions with the Department for Education and Skills to look at bringing in the academy early.

"It would mean that we would get school improvement advisors from the Government, the sponsors' consultants and, possibly, extra money."

It also emerged that the academy could be built for between £14m and £16m. Figures as high as £25m had been suggested in the past.

Mr Campbell said the council was negotiating with the Government to get more money.

The academy, which will be built on a site off Yarm Road, will be sponsored by the Church of England and David and Anne Crossland, who set up travel company Airtours. A feasibility study is being carried out.

Yesterday's meeting also heard from Eastbourne's headteacher, Elaine Richardson, who has been working to improve the school, which has had six headteachers since 2002.

Mrs Richardson said she had been trying to improve the school's image in the community.

She said: "Reception has been revamped and people have said it is much more friendly and welcoming. I wanted to regain the pride for Eastbourne School so that pupils would be proud to go to the school.

"I want to bring back the sense of enjoyment into school."

Mrs Richardson said she was hoping to improve attendance and behaviour by putting on more activities for pupils at lunchtimes.

She is also considering reducing the lunch hour so it is harder for pupils to leave school.