ELECTED MAYOR: REGARDING the Darlington and South Durham Co-operative Society correspondent's letter (HAS, Page 4, Dec 5) in support of keeping the current unelected mayoral post in Darlington.

This society must be oblivious to the running of this town by the leader of the Labour council, John Williams. The Tesco fiasco, the Hurworth debacle, the unpopular pedestrianisation and financial overspend, the White Horse Hotel affair, etc, are just a few reminders to everyone why this town needs to be represented by a person who would be responsible for their actions, and who can be replaced if not performing well.

My message is to sign the referendum petition in support of an elected mayor as soon as possible. We need a change after years of misrule under both Labour and the Conservatives. - Mark Anderson, Middleton St George.


SINCE we are a Christian nation which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ every December, it would be nice if the local councils of Great Britain erected a statue of Our Lord in every town centre during the festivities.

I am sure that such a request could be paid for by our council taxes. It would be an excellent idea if Darlington Borough Council also placed a crib in the market square, where families could come and enlighten their young ones on the birth of the good Lord Jesus Christ.

I, for one, intend to celebrate Christmas as usual, but to see Biblical figures on show in Darlington town centre would be an added delight for all Christians. - Christopher Wardell, Darlington.


WHEN is a market place not a market place? Answer: when it's in Darlington.

How daft can you get? The borough council has decided to move the market stalls around the town, so what are they going to do with the market square?

Next time I visit, will the market place have car parking bringing in revenue and the indoor market busy with shoppers able to walk the short distance to their cars?

I doubt it. It will be just an empty space used when they can think of something to do with it. Turn the clock back 12 years - that's when it was a useful place. - Greg James, Tenerife.