A HEADteacher labelled his school "severely rundown" yesterday after a gas leak gave his pupils an unexpected long weekend.

Pupils at Hurworth School Maths and Computing College have been told not to go to school today or tomorrow, because a leaking pipe means the school has no heating.

The leak was discovered yesterday morning, after staff and pupils smelt gas.

Council engineers were called to investigate, and they confirmed the leak. There was enough heat for a full day's lessons yesterday, but pupils will not return until Monday.

Headteacher Eamonn Farrar said the building was in a state of disrepair.

He said: "The building is severely rundown, and I mean severely.

"The gas leak was probably caused by erosion. It's just another sign of the state of the building.

"Our dining room has hole in its flat roof. Rain drips on to one of the tables, which means we can't use that table.

"One of our classrooms is out of bounds because of storm damage. It was built in the 1970s, with a lifespan of 15 years, and it is still there.

"This is the Prime Minister's constituency and we are having to close for two days because of disrepair. It is really frustrating.

"If there is another building in the North in a worse condition, I would like to see it."

Mr Farrar believes the only solution is a new building.

"It's not just the state of the building - we're way overcrowded," he said.

"The classrooms were originally designed for classes of 24. They're not designed to take 30 or more, which is what we have.

"We need a new building. It's a great credit to the staff and pupils they are achieving what they are."

A Darlington Borough Council spokesman said: "We have always recognised that the school needs investment and it is a big part of our investment programme for the future.

"Over the past three years, more than £1.3m has been spent on the school and further investment is planned."

In March, Hurworth was saved after a planned merger with Eastbourne School, in Darlington, was abandoned.