AN Alice in Wonderland-inspired tea party raised funds for a charity helping the old and vulnerable in Darlington.

The WRVS held their ‘Great Brew Break’ at the town's Pease Monument and were supported at the event by The Mad Hatter Tea Party.

Mark Wilkes, service manager for WRVS, who dressed as the White Rabbit, said: “We want to raise awareness and highlight the services on offer to the over 50’s in Darlington”.

WRVS, which celebrates their 75th birthday this year, provide assisted transport, assisted shopping, books on wheels, meals on wheels and a befriending service.

Other services are available depending on what older people want.

The money raised will help WRVS volunteers prevent loneliness among older people in this area.

The event gave away free cups of tea, free tea bags, colouring projects for the children and included a raffle, while street performer Tait Seavers and the White Rabbit entertained shoppers.

If you know someone who would like support from a WRVS volunteer or you would like to offer to volunteer, visit or call 0845-6014-670.