A HEROIN addict fitted with a special implant to beat his addiction has pleaded guilty to possessing Class C drugs.

Darlington Magistrates’ Court heard today (Thursday, April 25) that James Mangle, 30, of Harris Street has a long history of drug addiction and wears an implant under his skin designed to wean him off heroin.

Prosecutor Blair Martin told the court that when Mangle was stopped and searched by officers in Darlington in December he was carrying £50 worth of the Class C drugs diazepam and buprenorphine.

Mangle admitted possession of the drugs and said they were for his own use.

Mitigating, Darren Brown said that Mangle’s implant had run out so he sought out the other drugs to take until it could be replaced.

Magistrates heard that Mangle had recently been given a community sentence for a separate offence so they imposed a 12-month conditional discharge to enable that order to continue.