SHOP DAMAGE: The shop windows of SemiChem and Thornton’s, on Northgate, in Darlington town centre, were damaged between 6pm and 9.30pm on Friday, January 25. Police suspect that the damage was caused by someone using a drain cover. Anyone who witnessed the damage being caused, or who might have seen someone standing in either shop doorway during these times, should call the police non-emergency number, 101, quoting incident number 0479 of January 25.

YOUTH CLUB: Red Hall Community Centre, in Headingley Crescent, Darlington, holds a youth club each Monday between 6.30pm and 8pm. The club offers the chance to play games and sports, as well as teen health advice.

HEALTHY WALK: A session of Nordic Walking, which involves walking with poles, supported by Age UK will be held in South Park, Darlington, on Tuesday, February 5, at 10am. Walkers should meet at the Clock Tower and wear suitable clothes and shoes. Entry is £2.50 per person and must be booked in advance by calling 01325-254370.