Q I recently heard that there is no safe amount of alcohol for people to consume. I am not a heavy drinker, but was a little concerned. What do you think?

Jeremy, 54

A Research recently does seem to suggest that even one unit of alcohol a day may be linked to an increased risk of some cancers.

Previously it was thought that red wine protected against heart disease, however, it is now felt that this is not enough to advise people who are teetotal to start drinking, and furthermore that the increased risk of potential cancer outweighs any possible benefits to the health of your heart.

Presently, the UK Government advises a limit of 14 units of alcohol per week.

Ultimately, the decision to stop drinking alcohol completely has to be balanced against the enjoyment you personally get from consuming alcohol in moderation.

Q Is there such a thing as too much exercise? I’m a keen runner but obviously don’t want to damage myself

Jacob, 31

A Currently, it is recommended that you do a combination of cardiovascular and weight bearing exercises, throughout the week, as well as being more active in your day to day life, such as taking the stairs rather than the elevator and walking short distances rather than using your car. While this is a very sensible approach, exercise addiction is a recognised condition, similar to any other addiction.

Things which may suggest you are overdoing it are being preoccupied by exercise, but equally it can be a lack of enthusiasm when you do exercise or aching in your muscles and joints that does not resolve before your next exercise session.

It is important that you recognise these.

Most experts advise there is no need for any more than 30 to 45 minutes per day, and that if a particular exercise causes you pain, you either review your technique, or pick an alternative.

If you have a question for Dr Zak, email askdoctorzak@gmail.com.

Dr Uddin’s advice is provided in good faith and in accordance with currently accepted evidence. However, content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always seek the advice of a GP, or other qualified health provider, regarding a medical condition.