SOME scenarios are just too terrible for words.

Karlene Warner, 30, and Zachary Blades, eight months, were killed by Darryl Anderson on the A1(M) in north Durham. He was doing twice the speed limit at 141mph and was three times over the drink-driving limit and, extraordinarily, he was WhatsApping photographs of his speedometer in the moments before the crash.

Then he lied to police, making up a cock-and-bull story about a hitch-hiker driving his car.

And he has a previous conviction, in 2006, for drink-driving.

His behaviour absolutely beggars belief. He is the lowest of the low.

He has been handed the stiffest sentence possible: 17 years and three months, but he could be out on licence in 11-and-a-half years.

It is not enough. Nothing could be enough. He does not deserve any further chances.

He was banned for driving for 21-and-a-half years, so he could be back behind a wheel before he is 60. In terms of punishment and in terms of protecting the public, that cannot be right. Twice convicted of drink-driving, he should never be allowed the privilege of driving again.

No sentence, though, could ever reinstate the life chances of Zachary and Karlene; it could never make any sort of restitution for the many members of their family who have been handed the most terrible life sentences.

Especially Shalorna, Zackary’s mother and Karlene’s sister. How she searched the wreckage for her baby and then gave his body a hug is too awful to imagine. Tears well up just thinking about it.

We really hope that over the painful months and years ahead, Shalorna and all the others can find some peace. And as for Anderson, there are times when the key really should be thrown away, and it is hard to see anyone arguing that this is not one of those.