ONE of the country's worst phone pests - who bombarded the emergency services with nuisance calls - has been jailed and banned from owning a mobile phone.

David Attwood, 32, from Teesside, was given an 18-month sentence after he made more than 1,300 calls to the emergency services and businesses in seven weeks.

He was also made the subject of a criminal anti-social behaviour order at Teesside Crown Court yesterday.

The five-year order bans Attwood from owning or using a mobile phone across England and Wales.

Young and old became victims of his calls - which started as genuine calls before it became clear he was carrying out indecent acts on himself.

Speaking after the case, PC Paul Hodgson, from Cleveland Police's community safety team, said the case is believed to be the worst in the country.

He said: "One of the disturbing details is that the calls to the companies started off as genuine calls.

"He would keep ringing until a woman answered. It then became clear what he was doing, and the victims have been left extremely distressed."

Gale Gilchrist, prosecuting, told the court how Attwood targeted women for his sexual gratification.

Ms Gilchrist told the court that insurance company Swinton was among the targets, as well as Saltburn Golf Club, in east Cleveland.

David Lamb, in mitigation, said Attwood was a lonely man who had recently lost a member of his family, his job and a long-term relationship had broken down.

Attwood, of Wellington Street, Middlesbrough, admitted being a public nuisance.