POLICE have recovered a massive haul of illegal fireworks, drugs and £140,000 cash from a North-East farm.

Officers found between four and five tonnes of bootleg explosives when they searched the warehouse at Ricklees farm, in Spen Road, Greenside, near Gateshead, on Tuesday.

It is believed to be the biggest haul of fireworks ever seized in this country.

A spokesman for Northumbria Police said the explosives, which have come from China and are of professional standards, could kill in the wrong hands.

He said: "These fireworks are dangerous and if the wrong people got their hands on them, there could be fatal consequences.

"They are very sophisticated fireworks - the type used in professional displays.

"It is unusual to find this number of fireworks. It is probably the biggest find we have had regionally and possibly even nationally."

A 47-year-old man and a 47-year-old woman were arrested at the farm and are helping police with their inquiries.

The raid was part of an ongoing operation by police to rid the streets of bootleg fireworks in the run-up to Bonfire Night.

The raid happened on the same day that Northumbria Police's Chief Constable Mike Craik called for a blanket ban on the public sale of fireworks.

He believes fireworks should only be used in organised displays.

His call came after a series of investigations into shops selling them to youngsters.

Mr Craik said: "My view is simply to ban them.

"Year after year, I find myself engaging in bigger and bigger campaigns just to keep people out of hospital and to keep a lid on disorder.

"There are plenty of good, impressive public displays that are a joy to watch. A nine-bob rocket just annoys and scares people."