At the end of last week, I wrote an editorial comment in the paper, expressing concern about a court ruling which found a convicted murderer who attacked prison officers with a broken bottle "not guilty".

Kevan Thakrar admitted the attack at Frankland prison in Durham but was cleared of attempted murder because he was suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder from his previous prison experiences.

It is fair to say there has been a big reaction to this story. After 30 years in newspapers, I think I know when an issue has struck a public nerve and this is one of them.

I said in my comment that the verdict had set a dangerous precedent which would encourage further attacks on prison officers.

Today, it has emerged that there was a violent outbreak at Durham Prison yesterday afternoon in which inmates are reported to have shouted PTSD - a reference to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Something needs to be done - quickly - if this is not to get out of hand. One way or another, the Thakrar verdict needs to be addressed. Whether that is through an appeal by the Crown Prosecution Service, or a private prosecution by the Prison Officers' Association, a line needs to be drawn.

I spoke to an MP today who fears tragic consequences if action isn't taken. What happened at Durham Prison yesterday may easily be just the first consequence of a dangerous ruling.