POLICE have begun an investigation after a Sunderland footballer was sent a racist message on Twitter.

Striker Fraizer Campbell was called a "big f******* n*****" after he joked Come on Estonia! You can do it! ahead of the Euro 2012 play-off against Ireland."

The message was sent by TheReid1, whose account no longer exists.

Campbell, 24, and formerly of Manchester United, retweeted the abuse, adding "wow just seen this tweet! Disgraceful."

He also linked a picture of the Show Racism the Red Card organisation's logo.

A Northumbria Police spokesman said: "We are aware of the matter and inquiries are being made into it."

The same force launched an investigation after Newcastle United's Sammy Ameobi was similarly abused on Twitter a fortnight ago. Two teenagers were arrested.

A Sunderland AFC spokesman said: "The club has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of abuse.

"The matter has been handed over to the police and will be treated with the utmost seriousness."