KIND-HEARTED police officers have come to the rescue after a vulnerable 12-year-old girl’s scooter was stolen.

Katie Oliver’s Zip scooter was taken by two boys as she played near her home in Kirkdale, Spennymoor, County Durham, last month.

Despite their best efforts, officers on Bishop Auckland police station’s D relief team could not find it, so they had a whip-round and bought a new one themselves.

Katie, who has cerebral palsy, was asked to visit the station on Saturday, where she was surprised to be presented with her new scooter.

Acting Sergeant Dickie Day said: “The look on her face was priceless. She is a lovely girl and comes from a lovely family.

“I have been in the job 22 years now and this was something that just got to me.

“The scooter was great exercise for her and it was only three months old. She loved it.

“When the scooter was stolen, we looked high and low in case it had been abandoned, but it hadn’t.

“When I said I was going to get her a new one, everybody on the relief said it was a great idea and couldn’t wait to help.”

Katie’s parents, Vicky and Dale, have matched the generosity of the police officers with a donation to the value of the scooter to cerebral palsy charity Scope.

Mr Oliver, a 49-year-old construction engineer, said he and his family were touched by the officers’ gift.

The father-of-six said: “We were absolutely delighted. It was a fantastic gesture. We were going to get a new one and they phoned and told us not to.

“They obviously felt for Katie because she was in tears and obviously the boys have seen she is vulnerable and had taken it from her.”

Acting Sergeant Day has already taken steps to help identify the new scooter in case it is stolen, by marking it with Smartwater, a liquid that can be read under ultraviolet light.