ACTIVISTS have unveiled full details of a new Jarrow March, which will call for action to tackle rising youth unemployment.

Supporters of campaign group Youth Fight for Jobs will march 300 miles to London to demand a programme of job creation to mark the 75th anniversary of the original Jarrow Crusade, when hundreds of people marched to the capital to protest against unemployment and poverty.

The latest march, backed by eight national trade unions, will set off from Jarrow Park in the South Tyneside town at noon on Saturday, October 1.

The Northern Echo: Jarrow March route The marchers will finish in London with a mass demonstration at Temple Embankment on Saturday, November 5, assembling there at noon.

Paul Callanan, the national organiser for Youth Fight for Jobs, said last night: “It’s been four years now since the collapse of Northern Rock and still young people are paying for a crisis caused by the bankers and the super rich.

“Young people now are being shot by both sides. On the one hand we have the cuts and the collapse of the high street chains, seeing young people being slung out of work.

“And on the other, we have the attacks on education cutting off the last escape route.”

He added: “If the Government continues on this course then what we saw during the riots last month is but a small glimpse of the future.

“The Jarrow March for Jobs will be the start of a movement that offers a real alternative to youth and working class people.

“We want the march to become the rallying point for everyone who opposes the ConDem demolition of our jobs and services.”

The marchers will be holding demonstrations in every area they pass through.

Mr Callanan said: “We will be calling for real jobs, on decent pay and conditions and demanding real training schemes and apprenticeships on decent pay with a job at the end.

“Education is a right, not a privilege and should be free for all.”

For full details of the march, visit