AN anonymous nature-lover has left £250,000 in their will which will help save an endangered butterfly.

The unnamed donor left the enormous legacy to the Durham Wildlife Trust, which is being spent restoring breeding grounds around the county to help the under-threat small pearl bordered fritillary thrive.

The donation also contributed towards the purchase of Milkwellburn Wood, 200-acre woodland in the Derwent Valley, which is now being managed for wildlife, and also helped the charity buy ew vehicles to transport volunteers around its 26 nature reserves.

Good causes around the country are urging supporters to leave them a legacy during the Remember A Charity Week.

Durham Wildlife Trust director Jim Cokill said: "This unexpected windfall had a profound effect on the amount of work the Trust has been able to deliver as new posts could be created to carry out important wildlife projects.

"As a result, a wide range of projects have been delivered to benefit people and wildlife across the North East."