A MOTORIST who knocked down a pedestrian on a zebra crossing, causing fatal injuries, was yesterday jailed for 16 months.

Gary Swainston was said to have shown “a total disregard” for anyone using the crossing, between a Tesco store and the village primary school, in Annfield Plain, near Stanley, County Durham, on November 3, last year.

Durham Crown Court heard that the victim, Malcolm Curnow, who had a disability stemming from a previous road accident as a teenager, was slowly crossing near the store, in Station Road, when hit by Swainston’s VW Passat, shortly before 5.30pm.

Mr Curnow, 59, of Castle Court, Annfield Plain, suffered serious head injuries and died in hospital 12 days later.

Swainston, who was arrested at the scene, said he did not see Mr Curnow on the crossing.

The court heard that another motorist, approaching from the opposite side, slowed and came to a halt on spotting a figure crossing.

Shaun Dryden, prosecuting, said: “He said the Passat travelled straight onto the crossing, colliding with Mr Curnow.

“He did not see the Passat lose speed at all and told the police: ‘It was obvious to me he wasn’t going to stop for the person on the crossing’.”

Mr Dryden said there were warning signs and beacons to alert approaching drivers to the crossing.

The court heard there had been three other accidents on or near the crossing in recent years, although none were serious.

Swainston, 45, of Queensway, Consett, admitted causing death by careless driving.

Peter Sabiston, for Swainston, said: “He expresses his deep regret for the events that happened that evening.

“He has searched tirelessly these past few months as to how the accident could have happened – how he could have failed to see him on that crossing.

“It’s something he will carry with him for the rest of his life as a hard-working family man and father-of-two.”

Mr Sabiston said Swainston was dropping colleagues off after working in Ripon, North Yorkshire, and was familiar with the road.

Jailing him, Judge Christopher Prince said that although travelling at 29.62mph, just under the 30mph-limit: “By not braking you did not allow yourself any chance whatsoever to avoid a pedestrian on the crossing.

“You demonstrated a total disregard for any person using that crossing and I conclude this did not fall short of dangerous driving.”

Swainston, who is understood to be considering an appeal against the 16-month prison sentence, was also banned from driving for three years.