A SCHOOLGIRL was raped by a churchgoer and then frogmarched the following day to her doctor to get the morningafter pill, a court heard.

Gary Leeming admits having sex with the youngster, but claims it was consensual and it was “offered on a plate” to him, a jury was told.

Teesside Crown Court heard Mr Leeming was in his late-teens and the girl was under 13 when intercourse took place in the Nineties.

Last October, the victim contacted police, and Mr Leeming, of Seaton Close, Stockton, was arrested and quizzed on suspicion of rape.

The defendant, now 34, confessed to his wife he was not a virgin when they married, and admitted having sex with the girl.

Mr Leeming handed a letter to his accuser at a churchorganised meeting, and apologised “from the bottom of my heart for the whole situation”.

In an account to the police, the complainant describes being “numb” and “zombified” while forced to have sex, said Shaun Dodds, prosecuting.

“It was not consented to,” she told officers. “It was forceful.

I felt like I had to do it because he was older.”

Mr Leeming denies four charges of rape and one of sex with a girl under 13. He has admitted two charges of underage sexual intercourse.

After his arrest, he told police the girl made the first move, instigated the sex, and said: “It was offered on a plate.” He insisted they had sex only twice and denied taking the youngster to the doctors and posing as her worried cousin, the jury was told.

Mr Dodds said: “The prosecution said she had been frogmarched to the doctors by the defendant pretending to be her cousin.”

The trial continues.