I found this old photo of the legendary Stuart Coats the other day and it put me in mind of a blog I did in December 2008. Apologies to anyone who has already read it but I thought it was worth another ‘outing’ for those readers new to the site.

The club trip in the sixties and early seventies was one of the highlights of the year, especially if you were a kid.

Busses would line Front Street, from Ronnie’s shop to greasy Lils fish shop, about twenty busses in all!

All us kids couldn’t wait. You got five shillings pocket money from the club, and knew a good day at Redcar or Whitley Bay beckoned.

On arrival, families would head for the beach. Parents erecting wind breaks, while kids made sandcastles or headed for the shuggyboats. Then, after a lunch of homemade spam sandwiches, it was off to Spanish City, and an afternoon of riding on ‘The Shows’, before the busses headed back to Cockfield at about six o-clock, so that people could get back in time for the Bingo !

The ‘Young Men’ of course had other ideas. For them, it was all about a ‘Day on the Drink!’ a Pub Crawl. The last bus to leave the venue was the ‘Drunk Bus’, and it needed a strong committee man to take charge, and keep order.

One year, Bernard Waldock was in charge of the ‘Drunk Bus’.

It was way past six o-clock, and Bernard was getting frustrated at the slow progress the lads were making at getting on the bus. By half six, the bus was almost full, when Bernard spotted Stuart ‘Coaty’ Coats staggering along by the car park.

“Get on this bloody bus NOW” shouts Bernard. “Where’s we gannan like?” slurs Coaty. “Back to Cockfield, ya idiot, now get on this bus and keep quiet” says Bernard.

Coaty did as he was told, and promptly fell asleep on the bus.

When he woke up, Coaty looked confused, and asked Bernard where they were at. “Back at Cockfield son” says Bernard with a look of disgust.

“WHAAAAAAT” shouts Coaty.

“I’m supposed to be on a week’s caravan holiday with the girlfriend!”

The club had to pay for a taxi to take him back to Redcar!