My cat's fur has been thinning more and more over the past month. The affected areas are just on her sides, on either side of her spine. I haven't ever seen her pulling it out and she doesn't seem to be bothered in any other ways. She hasn't been through anything traumatic, any changes in food, etc. Is this a sign of sickness or just age? Thanks for any sugesstions you have!
Kindra, USA


Dear Kindra
There are various different reasons for alopecia developing in cats of any age. Most cases are thought to be related to flea sensitisation- is there any evidence of fleas, the affected animal does not always need to be itchy & cats can often pull hair out when you are not around to see. In an older cat organic disease or hormonal problems also play a part & I would think a general health check with blood profiling would be sensible.

Andrew Geldard