THE NORTH-EAST Cross Country Championships, postponed due to bad weather for the first time in their 105-year history last weekend, has been rescheduled for January 8 at South Shields.

North-East athletics officials were reluctantly forced to call off the event when they found up to a foot of snow covering the Temple Park course, making it dangerous in places.

The new date means that the fourth Start Fitness North-East Harrier League fixture, due to be hosted by Elswick Harriers on Newcastle Town Moor, will not be put back.

Delaying the North-East Championships three weeks means that late entries will now be accepted up to Christmas Eve.

Three other North-East athletics events have fallen victims to the weather over the last few weeks but Saltwell Harriers are confident that their annual races will go ahead as planned at Gateshead today.

The highlight of the fourrace programme is the Ronnie Walker Saltwell 10K, the oldest road race in England, which celebrates its centenary next year.

The race, which starts in East Park Road and finishes in Saltwell Park, has been renamed after 89-year-old Ronnie Walker, who joined the club in 1939 and has filled every official position, including club secretary.

Entries will be accepted on the day and Gateshead Council is offering runners a swim and a sauna in the nearby Gateshead Leisure Centre for £1 on production of their race number after the race.

Saltwell Harriers are asking North-East clubs in particular to support the races for the younger age groups after disappointing entry numbers in previous years.

All runners will receive a goody bag, with £30 prizes for the winners of the under- 17 races and medals for the first three in each age group.

The programme is: 11.30am under-13 boys and girls (1.5m); 11.45 under-15 boys and girls (1.5m); 12.00 under 17 boys and girls (3m); 12.30 Ronnie Walker Saltwell 10K.

Full details, including the latest weather update, will be posted on the Saltwell Harriers website (