AN artistic primary school pupil has had his talents rewarded after winning a competition aimed at removing the stigma from mental health.

Cameron Farr, of Alderman Leach Primary School, in Darlington, was chosen as the winner of the 14-andunder category in the Be A Friend competition.

The competition was run by Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust as part of its work to help stamp out the stigma and discrimination which can surround mental health issues. Participants were invited to take a photograph or create a piece of artwork which depicts what friendship means to them.

Cameron’s drawing, called “Caring”, was chosen by the judges to illustrate the month of February in the trust’s 2011 calendar.

He said: “Friendship is about being kind, helpful and caring to your friends and pets. I’m going to buy a game with my vouchers and maybe something nice for my sister.”

Mark Colledge, of the trust’s West Park Hospital, Darlington, said: “Friendship can play a key role in helping someone live with or recover from a mental health problem and overcome the isolation that often comes with it.”

Catherine Thompson, the headteacher at Alderman Leach Primary School, said: “We want the children to learn about the importance of friendship.”

To get a copy of the calendar, sign up for free to be a member of the trust at or call 01325-552314.