A CONVICTED paedophile has been found guilty of outraging public decency after simulating a sex act on a friend.

According to a witness, Anthony Harrison dropped his trousers and bounced on the lap of his friend as they sat on a railway embankment in Thornaby.

Harrison, of Bridge Road, Stockton, had set up a temporary camp opposite the Bonlea Industrial Estate, with John Robert Allen in June.

Teesside Magistrates' Court heard the pair used the site as a place to go for a quiet drink, away from alcoholics and drug addicts.

On Friday, June 9, they were spotted performing the simulated act in the middle of the afternoon by a worker in his office 40 metres away.

Paul Healey, a contract manager for a firm based on the industrial estate, told the court he was shocked when he saw Harrison's buttocks.

"He [Harrison] stood up, dropped his tracksuit bottoms to thigh level and sat on his lap [Allen's]. It was probably for about 15 to 20 seconds, with the man carrying out some sort of act. I believe there was some sort of sexual act taking place."

He added: "At the time, I was shocked - it is quite a busy train track and thoroughfare, with people walking their dogs and trains coming past - I didn't believe it was the correct thing to be happening in that area."

Vehemently denying the charge, Harrison said: "I find it miraculous if he could see from there and tell the colour of my hair.

"I think he misconstrued the incident and I think he must have felt very important."

He added: "I have never dropped my trousers in public."

But District Judge Roger Elsey found Harrison guilty and sent the case to Teesside Crown Court for sentence.

His co-accused, Mr Allen, 25, of Varo Terrace, Stockton, was found not guilty of the same charge yesterday.

Harrison, 61, is subject to a sexual offence prevention order which has stringent conditions attached, including not camping out, drinking in public, loitering near schools or places where young people attend. He later pleaded guilty to breaching the order.

In July, Harrison was remanded in custody for breaching the order and is due to be sentenced on all three matters later this month