I have a male cat who loudly meowes over and over again when he wants fed - I try to not feed him until he quietens down but it is very hard as he will meow loudy and repeatedly until he gets what he wants and he normally ends up being sick as he gulps his food down if I keep him waiting to long. I wonder if there is anything I can do to stop this? Also any tips on how to stop a cat from being sick - could it be a food allergy? Thank you very much.


Dear Karen
Cats are designed to eat many (up to 15) small meals a day. This doesn't fit in well with the typical twice daily of cat owners. If they gulp the food too quickly the stomach can't cope with the volume and the cat will regurgitate the food. The best way to combat this is to leave food down for the cat at all times and he will learn to regulate his diet. Cats do sometimes suffer from food intolerances which will occassionally make them sick. The best way to deal with this is to decide on a diet and to not change it.

Andrew Geldard