The sunshine brought a big crowd to Middleton Carnival leaving organisers celebrating one of their most successful days.

More than 1,000 people joined the fun on the school playing field on Saturday.

They saw juggling, fire-eating, kites, helicopter displays, a pet show, a baby show and quoits competition.

Carnival queen Katie Murtagh was crowned on Friday by retiring queen Kirsty Hutchinson and led Saturday's parade through the village with her attendants, Amy Dowson and Stella Kindleyside.

Police sergeant Bob Danby stepped in to perform the opening ceremony after MP Helen Goodman was delayed.

A duck race was followed by a football tournament and barbecue on the school field.

The event raises money for a number of local charities each year.

Carnival committee secretary June Kneller said: "It was a lovely day.

"We did very well because we only have a small organising committee of seven and it is a small village.

"It takes a tremendous effort to stage the carnival but it is really worthwhile when it goes well."