TWO quick points. We've got a story in today's paper about how the Comprehensive Spending Review has pulled the plug on the widening of the A1 from Bedale up to Barton. This is not really good news, but it does mean that the distinctive lodge houses, built in 1900 to guard the entrance to Gatherley Castle, are not imminently going to be bulldozed.

Which, I guess, means they will just be left to fall down.

Secondly, tomorrow - October 23 - it is 125 years to the day since Darlington library first opened its doors. The kind library are so desperate they've asked me to take part in a day of Victorian celebrations. Some of the staff are dressing up; me, I'm just talking.

"Darlington Library 125: Its Part in the Peases' Downfall" is my title. Talk starts at 2pm. All are welcome. You;ll probably be asleep by 2.05pm.