AN apartment block providing affordable accommodation for elderly people would form part of a development at a former school site.

However, residents in Cockerton have launched a petition objecting to the three-storey apartment block at the site of the former Alderman Leach Primary School, in Leach Grove.

Nevertheless, the plan by Bussey and Armstrong Projects has been recommended for approval by Darlington Borough Council planning officers.

The whole plan consists of the apartment block and 80 houses, together with garages, car parking, roads, ponds and landscaping.

It is a revised application to one originally submitted, and granted, in June last year.

The 80 houses will be a mixture of two and three-storey dwellings, providing seven two bedroom houses, 50 three bedroom houses and 23 fourbedroom houses.

A new pedestrian route and cycle link would also be introduced to run along West Beck.

The developers have also agreed to pay £20,000 to fund off-road cycling and a footpath.

The main difference from the original application is the erection of the apartment block, which would provide affordable housing for elderly people in 15 two-bedroom apartments and be run by a social landlord.

However, 39 residents have signed the petition objecting to the proposal. They have concerns about the apartments overlooking homes and gardens and the potential increase in traffic. They are also worried about whether the apartments would be used by elderly people.

In addition, six letters of objection have been sent to the council.

In their report to members of the planning committee, the planning officers have said: “It is not considered that the proposed apartment block would result in an unacceptable loss of privacy or light to the surrounding properties or be particularly overbearing on the outlook of these properties.

“Although concern has been expressed that the flats will not be occupied by the elderly in the long-term, this is specifically addressed in the Section 106 agreement which requires that the apartments are available for occupation by elderly persons in perpetuity.”

The planning meeting takes place at 1.30pm on Wednesday in Darlington Town Hall.