A DRUNKEN mother who called at the home of a former gangland figure later caused £1,200 damage to his neighbour’s car, a court heard.

Lucy Rose Poole had been drinking wine with friends before knocking at the door of Dennis Scott, also known as Dennis Stafford, in Stanhope, County Durham, shortly after midnight on September 5.

Scott, 77, is fighting to clear his name after he was convicted of murdering business associate Angus Sibbett 43 years ago.

Poole, of Paragon Street, Stanhope, admitted causing criminal damage to a Chevrolet Lacetti belonging to Mr Scott’s neighbour, John McGrath.

Bishop Auckland magistrates heard that another neighbour, Charles Scott, answered the communal door to the 31-year-old mother-of-one at about 12.45am.

Alison Nunn, prosecuting, said Mr Scott asked her to leave because she was drunk and confused.

She said: “He didn’t know her, had never seen her before and she was sitting outside ringing other doorbells.

“She said ‘How are you?, you remember me, don’t you? I have been looking for you’.”

Mrs Nunn said Poole was asked several times to leave but refused.

“As he closed the door, she put her foot in the door,” she said.

“She fell over and landed on her back. She got up again, getting increasingly angry.”

The court heard other residents opened their windows and shouted for her to leave and she then hit out at Mr McGrath’s car.

She kicked it three or four times causing £1,200 damage.

Clive Booth, mitigating, said Poole was very embarrassed by her alcohol-fuelled actions.

He described the mother as an “eccentric character” who was artistically talented.

“She doesn’t have a clear recollection of the incident,” he said.

Poole, who is on benefits, was ordered to pay £150 compensation to cover Mr McGrath’s insurance excess and was given a conditional discharge for 12 months.