A DRIVER who knocked down and killed an inspirational young cancer survivor could have avoided the accident if he had not been speeding, a court was told yesterday.

Ross Telfer, 21, was travelling at up to 53mph in 30mph zone when he collided with 12-year-old Steven Atkinson, as he was crossing the road on his bike with friends, on October 17, last year.

The young Sunderland supporter, who won the admiration of thousands of people after he successfully battled leukaemia, died of head injuries a short time after the accident.

Hundreds of people attended his funeral at Sunderland’s Minster, including goalkeeping legend Jim Montgomery and former club captain Kevin Ball.

Sentencing Telfer to 16 months in prison, Newcastle Crown Court Judge Brian Forster said: “If you had been driving within the speed limit you would have been able to stop and the accident would have been avoided.

“Your excessive speed led directly to this accident and the death of Steven Atkinson.

“I hope that we all learn a lesson from this and the lesson is this: speed can kill and did in this case.”

Peter Gair, prosecuting, said Steven was crossing the Broadway, Chester Road, Sunderland, when he was hit by a Mini being driven by Telfer, who was returning from a football match.

Mr Gair said CCTV showed Steven emerging from between two parked cars a few metres away from a pedestrian crossing, which had not been activated.

He was hit as he passed the central point of the road.

Telfer braked hard when he saw Steven, but it was at “a point of no escape”, because of his speed, Mr Gair said.

He added: “Had he been driving 30mph or less the collision would not have occurred.”

Mr Gair said Steven’s death had had a devastating impact on his family.

The youngster was born with a range of medical problems, including a cleft palate, a jaw defect and curvature of the spine.

He also won a three-year fight with leukaemia.

Jamie Adams, mitigating, said Telfer was a sensitive and caring person and was due to start university, where he hoped to study to become a physical education teacher.

He said: “Time has not quelled or abated the intense remorse he feels for what happened and for what he did and what he is responsible for.”

The 21-year-old, of Crichton Avenue, Chester-le-Street, who admitted causing death by careless driving, was also banned from driving for three years and ordered to undergo an extended test before regaining his licence.