It looks like I'm going to have to admit defeat in my ambitions to run the Darlington 10k in aid of the 3 Rifles.

I had an operation on my knee yesterday, expecting it to be a minor affair which would require six weeks on the sidelines, and give me enough time to get fit the the run in August.

Sadly, there was more to be done than expected and I'm now working from home, with my knee in a brace and a 20-week recuperation period.

A CPM machine is being delivered to the house some time today and I have to be attached to it for six hours a day. It's designed to passively bend the knee, which is important to speeding up the healing process.

I'm seeing the physio at 5pm today and plan to find out if I can have the machine fitted at work. It won't be easy maintaining my gravitas with the staff if my leg's going up and down in news conference, but needs must.

I really wanted to run in the 10k for the heroes of the 3 Rifles, who put my small troubles in perspective. There are lads coming back from Afghanistan with no legs at all and I can't imagine what it must be like learning to live with a disability like that.

Maybe the Echo team will find a volunteer to push me round in a wheelchair. Whatever happens, we'll still go on raising cash for the families of the mgnificent 3 Rifles.