You are damned if you do and damned if you don't...

I can't help feeling that Gordon Brown can't win in the eyes of the Tory press.

For days since the election, The Sun has accused him of being a squatter in Number 10.

Today, the Daily Mail says his decision to step down as Labour leader is an attempt to torpedo the talks aimed at a coalition between the Tories and Lib Dems.

Mr Brown had to resign. He knew that there was no viable future for him as PM or Labour leader or much longer.

That said, there have been leaders who have been unable to see the inevitable in the past and tried to hang on for too long.

I believe Mr Brown deserves some credit for his dignified resignation speech yesterday. It is the only injection of any real clarity since polling day dawned.

He had his clear shortcomings as a Prime Minister. It was the job he craved but never really looking comfortable in.

That said, he took the brave decisions on the economy that shortened the recession (at least temporarily) while others dithered.

He's had what is coarsely known as a good kicking. Let him now get a bit of credit.