A 20-YEAR-OLD psychology student wowed the judges at a beauty contest.

Alexandra Devine, from Norton, near Stockton, won the title of Miss Durham at a ceremony at Sedgefield Racecourse, County Durham, on Saturday night.

Seventeen hopefuls took part in the event, which serves as a qualifier for Miss England.

Miss Devine said: “I was welling up on stage. I’m so happy to win, it means the world to me and I can’t wait to take part in Miss England.

“It was a great day and I’ve made some lovely new friends and I know Miss England will be the same, I’m so excited.”

The Manchester University student told judges she intended to study a PhD in neuroscience.

Other rounds included formal wear, fancy dress and a day at the beach.

One of three physical challenges saw the contestants go into the crowds to collect money for the Cash 4 Kids charity.

They returned with £3,658 in only a few minutes.

Organiser Sarah Thewlis, from the racecourse, said: “It’s wonderful and all the girls were beautiful. I’m so sad it’s all over and I can’t wait until next year’s event already.”

Second place went to Mille-Jo Coates, 17, from Billingham, and third went to Rebecca Macgeekie, 17, from Darlington.