ARTISTS worked with Yorkshire schoolchildren recently to create environmentally-friendly banners made from items usually thrown in the trash.

More than 180 primary school children were involved in the project with Vivienne Chapman and Lyn Wait, from arts organisation Rural Arts. The banners were showcased at the Countryside Festival at Harrogate Showground last week.

Each one has an environmental theme with backgrounds woven from carrier bags and recycled fabrics. Animals, fish and minibeasts are made from cardboard, newspaper, coloured tape, garden wire and buttons.

Ms Chapman said: "We held half-hour workshops for pupils from different schools who each contributed to the different aspects of the hangings. There were also some children who dropped in to add to the pieces."

Rural Arts, based at The Old Courthouse, in Thirsk, runs creative activities across North Yorkshire, including recycled sculpture, textiles, film and performance.