WET weather failed to dampen the spirits of traditional dancers from across the North at the weekend.

Kern Morris, of Durham, invited other traditional dance groups from Cumbria and Yorkshire to the city for its 20th anniversary celebration, on Saturday.

Undeterred by the rain, the dancing went on at venues across the city through the day.

On show were varying styles of dance adopted in different parts of the country, including Cotswold, North-West and Border, with participants "blacking up", wearing feathered hats and streamer-lined costumes.

Phil Goulding, dance officer for Kern Morris, said: "It was a chance to welcome some of the groups we're familiar with from other events back to Durham, but there were also one or two groups who have not performed here for a long time.

"It was a pity about the weather, but you just have to get on with it. We managed to find shelter for the musicians, as some of the instruments are cardboard-based, but the dancers just had to get wet."

Many founder and former members of Kern Morris took part in the celebration, and at least one pledged to rejoin the group.

Since it was launched, the team has taken part in festivals across Britain, and on the Continent, as well as touring the US.

It is gearing up for a busy summer season of festivals, fetes, garden parties and school visits.

New members are welcome to join, by attending weekly practice, at Elvet Methodist Church Hall, in Old Elvet, Durham, on Wednesdays, from 8pm to 10pm.

Training for beginners starts on Wednesday, September 13, and further information is available from Mr Goulding, on 0191-375 0646.