CHILDREN enjoyed activities and reading at two events in Bishop Auckland.

The latest of Bishop Auckland Town Hall's Twiglets sessions took place last week, with maypole dancing, stories and crafts, supervised by Sue Able and Eileen Glenton.

The next session takes place on Wednesday, June 7, when children will celebrate the Queen's birthday.

There are two sessions, at 10.30am and 1.30pm, and tickets are available from the town hall box office on (01388) 602610, priced 50p per child.

At Woodhouse Close Library, a session led by Sure Start's library outreach worker, Brenda Smithson, took place.

The first Little Wrigglers event was successful and the group, which is designed to promote reading, will now meet on the second Tuesday of each month.

The next session is on June 13, when the theme will be a Teddy Bear's Picnic.

Sessions are free, but places are limited.