A WEARDALE woman lost seven stones in 14 months with the help of her daughter.

Margaret Booth, 52, from Wear View, Frosterley, went from 17st 10oz to 10st 10oz after embarking on a WeightWatchers course in January last year.

It was when her daughter, Dawn, invited her along to the sessions in Wolsingham that she began to lose weight.

She admitted that she did not realise how heavy she was when she first began.

"I didn't realise my weight, I hadn't a clue," she said. "When I got there, it did put the wind up me. There is a history of heart problems in the family and I thought 'blimey'."

But by following the WeightWatchers healthy eating plan, she has still eaten three meals a day, but with a more balanced diet has seen the weight drop off.

She said: "I feel so much better, not carrying this baggage around. I am very grateful to my daughter and everyone at WeightWatchers and proud of myself too.

"I will definitely be continuing to watch what I eat."