UGLY, derelict, vacant and overgrown areas in Darlington are to come under the spotlight this week.

A report to Darlington Borough Council's environment scrutiny committee highlights a number of areas in the town that are neglected.

Many of the areas belong to the council, although some are privately owned.

According to the report, neglected land is: "Land which is capable of some beneficial use but is at present perceived as uncared for, untidy, or in a condition detrimental to the environment."

The areas that have been picked out are:

* Red Hall estate - large area of overgrown council-owned waste ground adjacent to route of proposed Eastern Transport Corridor. Future use is dependent on this development.

* Knoll Avenue - former private tennis courts, now overgrown and used by children to congregate in. Ownership is unknown.

* Southend Avenue/Harewood Terrace - small area that was formerly the site of a telephone box and is now privately owned. Has a low priority.

* Former Shell garage on Parkgate - has been broken-into and is potentially contaminated. Outline planning permission for homes was granted this month.

* Haughton Road near St Andrew's Church - unmaintained grassland, owned by council and visible from main road, part of former school site.

* Albert Road - vacant, owned by council and allocated as new car park. It is a low priority.

* Lindisfarne Court - unmaintained grass verge, owned by the council and leased to a charity. Maintenance responsibility to be identified.

* Welbeck Avenue - council garages and open space, has planning permission for a housing development.

* Upper Russell Street - small parcel of council-owned land that was formerly the site of four homes. Has now been tidied up.

* Parkin Ness, Mowden Terrace - large and unused but has planning permission for apartments. Has a long history of complaints about state of land.

* Feethams - vacant town centre site opposite bus station, privately owned and currently a compound for contractors working on High Road and Dolphin Centre. A key site in the town centre.

* Former Blacketts site, Alexander Street - large and contaminated, long-term improvement only likely through development.

* Railway footpath, Haughton Road - unmaintained footpath, unwelcoming for pedestrians.

* Edgar Lawson site, Yarm Road - vacant and contaminated, privately-owned, history of anti-social behavaiour by youths.

* Holmwood Grove - small patch of council-owned land.

The Neglected Land Review Group has been working on the report since April last year. It will be debated by councillors on Thursday.