RESIDENTS were celebrating yesterday after plans to build a 40ft-high mobile phone mast near a Darlington school were refused.

Vodafone's application to site the mast in Stockton Road, near the Barmpton Lane roundabout, was rejected by Darlington Borough Council's planning committee.

Officers had recommended the mast for approval as it was required by the phone company to provide 3G coverage.

But a 66-name petition and two letters of objection were received.

Residents feared the mast would have an adverse effect on public health and safety as the proposed site was close to residential housing and Whinfield Primary School.

They also said that there were other suitable sites - including Burdon Farm, Great Burdon, where there was a mast already - which had not been properly considered by the mobile phone company.

Resident Phil Hodgson said: "The mast would have an accumulative risk to health, particularly children.

"There were quite a lot of potential sites in the area easily disqualified, which demonstrates a lack of effort.

"New masts should replace existing ones, or reduce the need for existing masts, but there is no evidence of this or the potential for mast sharing."

The planning report also said that the site had been considered and deemed unsuitable by the company, as it was not suitable for radio coverage.

Other sites considered and rejected for technical or landownership reasons included St Andrew's Church, Haughton-le-Skerne Methodist Church and the Highland Laddie pub, all in Haughton.

Councillor Geoff Walker said: "It looks as though they have not really investigated the alternative sites."

Councillor David Lyonette echoed his concerns and said: "There are two masts already on Barmpton Quarry, which is not that far away. Some of these sites are a joke.

"There is a huge development across from this and there is a strong perceived health risk."

After the meeting, Mr Hodgson said: "The committee had a good open debate and we are pleased with the decision.

"If the case does go to appeal, we have gathered further evidence to support the council."